Friday, January 29, 2010

That's Na Li, dude...

Welll, one interview down, 7 to go! I had my Cub/U of M interview on Wednesday, and it lasted from 7:30 to 4, and let me tell you, day-long interviews are freakin' exhausting. Add on top of that a dinner and meet & greet the night before, plus a 7 1/2 hour drive from Omaha to Minneapolis, and by the end of those two days I was totally spent...On the bright side, i loved the residency and everyone involved with it, and I felt pretty good about how my interviews (I had 3 separate) went, as well as my presentation and case. It was an intense experience, but ended up very well! Now on to the rest, each of which will be much shorter in duration and less stressful, I'm sure.

One thing I forgot to mention in my last post is that St Patrick's Day is right about the time I have to post my match rankings for residencies...and a few weeks after that, I'll know whether I matched or not, and if I do, where I'll be for the next year of my life! Hopefully Minneapolis - and Eau Claire and Iowa City wouldn't be bad either - but wherever it is, I'm sure I'll make the best of it, and hopefully really enjoy it. I know the Cub residency would be extremely busy, but would really prepare me well for whatever avenue in pharmacy I want to pursue. And from what I can tell so far, the others all would do the same. So, I feel like if I match with any of the places I'm interviewing with, I'll definitely get a lot out of the next year!

1 comment:

  1. YEAH Goldy!!! I am sure you're going to do great no matter what, Trev!
