Tuesday, January 12, 2010

First Day of Rotation #6...Time Flies

Wow - hard to believe I've been at these rotations since last June! I've had some good rotations, and I've had some that were not-so-good, but I think this one - Pediatrics - will fall into the former category. First off, no arriving at 7 am, like my previous hospital rotation. Second, "rounds" are conducted sit-down style, in a conference room in the NICU, where we talk about the little guys and gals that populate our unit. After about 2 hours or so, it's either time for a little teaching time or lunch. In the afternoon, on MWF, I have Pediatrics Clinic, where I'll be rounding with that team, more in an observational mode. There are a few small projects and cases to perform, but pretty much, this should be easy. However, I know very little about Peds, so it will be a great learning tool for me. The downside is how sad it is to walk around these kids - congenital deformities, babies of drug-abusing mothers, and the like. So damn cute, though...

So, already have a phone, or preliminary, interview set up with Cub Foods' Community Practice Residency in St. Louis Park, MN. Talk about putting a big smile on your face! I went and checked out their pharmacy and spoke with the current resident, Marissa, and came away thinking I'd really enjoy a year there. So we'll see what happens. But it's good news so far!

I was dinking around CNN, and came across the story of Katie Piper, an English model who had sulfuric acid thrown into her face by a friend of her ex-boyfriend. It nearly killed her, as it ate away at her throat, and she was put into an induced coma for 10 days. It's now 2 years later, and her face is completely disfigured...looking at before and after pictures is startling and extremely sad. They used an innovative new style of grafting on her to replace all the skin on her face, and used tissue from her buttocks and back. I watched a video of an interview of her, and it was amazing to see her resolve and strength. She talked about her absolute depression in the months following the attack, but has decided to dedicate her life to reaching out to other burn victims, and she's started a foundation to do so. I wish her all the best, and hope the two perpetrators enjoy their years and years of jail time.

In other news, Charles Woodson was named NFL Defensive MVP. I find it kind of funny, even though he had a great season, after the utter sieve of a defense the Pack had against the Cardinals on Sunday. Wasn't really his fault, but it's still ironic. I'm happy for him since he's one of my favorite defensive players, and he's been a great team leader and was instrumental in a lot of success the Pack enjoyed this season, until this past game.

I haven't been to the gym in soooome time, and I think I'm going to head out and work off a little steam over at 24 Hour Fitness in a little while. I received new weightlifting gloves for Xmas and am ready to try them out! Watch out - I WILL finally bench press 300 lbs after years of coming close, then for some reason having a lifting hiatus. In other related news, another goal of mine is to run a half marathon (with Amy) this year, and I suppose it wouldn't hurt to start by running a few miles on the treadmill today, as well.

iPhone is charged, and it's time for me and Pandora to hit the gym. Ciao!

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