Friday, January 8, 2010

I just finished reading my last post - May 10, 2009. Seven whole months ago. And it's amazing to look back on what's occurred over that time and how my life has changed. First off, about 2 days after that post, Sam dumped me. Yup, more or less out of the blue. I wouldn't say everything was going grand at the time, but I had no idea that bombshell would be dropped out of the air on me. The night I finish my last finals, is the night I get dumped. Tough to deal with at the time, but I have to say how incredibly happy I am that it did...

Because, had Sam not taken that action, I never would have met Amy. And I can't really begin to say how much better I get along with Amy compared to Sam. Not. Even. Close. Do I feel like I've met the woman of my dreams? Absolutely, yes. So there's that.

In fact, as I type this I'm sitting in Amy's apartment in Minneapolis, stranded in Minnesota due to poor road conditions throughout Iowa. This is the 2nd straight day I decided against traveling home to Omaha. Luckily, it just gives me more time with Amy :)

So, recap since May - I had my first 5 rotations, Erin got married and moved in with Mike, I met Amy and subsequently spent many weekends driving to Mpls, or having her drive to Omaha, traveled to Ireland, Las Vegas, and Mexico, and ended up staying an extra 3 days in Mexico and 2 days in Minneapolis due to flight issues/bad weather. I also decided on applying for residencies, and am 2/5 done with finishing them. This weekend or early next week I need to finish my other 3 apps, and send them out. Then, hopefully get a few interview requests, travel to and do those, and then see how the match system plays out. My first choice is Mpls, but I also am applying to the U of Iowa, Luther Midelfort-Eau Claire, and the Asheville NC VA Med center. NC would be nice for a year, eh? Especially considering Amy has repeatedly told me she would move with me if I don't get a residency in MN. :)

Things I'm concerned about - nervous about getting interviews, and how they will go, and possibly having to give a presentation at these interviews; my 7th rotation, which is with Dr Hilleman, a man I am not too sure I will get along with well; figuring out living situations between now and July 1st, should I get a residency; what I'll do if I don't get a residency (where to apply to jobs? are there any left in MN or WI?). So that's what's on my mind. Oh, and passing boards in July.

These stresses, though important, really just highlight where my career has taken me, and that's a good thing. I don't have to worry about food, clothes, shelter, love, friendship, etc. and I'm infinitely lucky in that regard. I'm not sure how I feel about religion ,but if there is a God, I thank Him. But I more or less feel like I was born into a good situation and took advantage of opportunities, and have had some good luck along the way. Really.

What I should be doing at the moment is writing my letters of intent for the last 3 residency apps. But I continue to procrastinate, horribly. This may match my all-time levels of procrastination excellence. I'll get it done, though. I always seem to do so. Plus I just perform better under pressure in these types of situations.

One thing that motivated me to start writing, and to actually stick to it, is how self-aware writing allows you to be. I found myself wanting to write things down continuously in Mexico, but never seemed to have anything to write on. In fact, I've never felt as aware of my surroundings as I did there. It sort of made me want to do some travel writing. That, and I had been reading travel books and travel lit, which likely both helped the cause.

OK, time for lunch at D'Brian's in Edina with Ames. In the afternoon, I intend to wash a few clothes, write letters of intent, and call Rochelle at Cub Foods and Erin to let her know I'm still here for another day!

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